Category Robert Frost

A Masque Of Reason

A fair oasis in the purest desert. A man sits leaning back against a palm. His wife lies by him looking at the sky. Man You’re not asleep? Wife No, I can hear you. Why? Man I said the incense…

Closed For Good

Much as I own I owe The passers of the past Because their to and fro Has cut this road to last, I owe them more today Because they’ve gone away And come not back with steed And chariot to…

Take Something Like A Star

Choose Something Like a Star O Star (the fairest one in sight), We grant your loftiness the right To some obscurity of cloud – It will not do to say of night, Since dark is what brings out your light.…

To The Right Person

In the one state of ours that is a shire, There is a District Schoolhouse I admire As much as anything for situation. There are few institutions standing higher This side the Rockies in my estimation- Two thousand feet above…

The Broken Drought

The prophet of disaster ceased to shout. Something was going right outside the hall. A rain though stingy had begun to fall That rather hurt his theory of the drought And all the great convention was about A cheer went…

The Ingenuities Of Debt

These I assume were words so deeply meant They cut themselves in stone for permanent Like trouble in the brow above the eyes. “Take Care to Sell Your Horse before He Dies The Art of Life Is Passing Losses on.’…

U.S. 1946 King’s X

Having invented a new Holocaust, And been the first with it to win a war, How they make haste to cry with fingers crossed, King’s X–no fairs to use it any more!

Bursting Rapture

I went to the physician to complain, The time had been when anyone could turn To farming for a simple way to earn; But now ˜twas there as elsewhere, any gain Was made by getting science on the brain; There…

No Holy Wars For Them

States strong enough to do good are but few. Their number would seem limited to three. Good is a thing that they the great can do, But puny little states can only be. And being good for these means standing…

The Planners

If anything should put an end to This, I’m thinking the unborn would never miss What they had never had of vital bliss No burst of nuclear phenomenon That put an end to what was going on Could make much…