The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

The Song of the Star

I am a Star dwelling on high
In the azure of the vaulted sky.
I shine on the land and I shine on the sea,
And the little breezes talk to me.
The waves rise towards me every one,
And forget the brightness of the sun:
The growing grass springs up towards me,
And forgets the day’s fertility.
My face is light, and my beam is life,
And my passionless being hath no strife.
In me no love is turned to hate,
No fullness is made desolate;
Here is no hope, no fear, no grief,
Here is no pain and no relief;
Nor birth nor death hath part in me,
But a profound tranquillity.
The blossoms that bloomed yesterday
Unaltered shall bloom on to-day,
And on the morrow shall not fade.
Within the everlasting shade
The fountain gushing up for ever
Flows on to the eternal river,
That, running by a reedy shore,
Bubbles, bubbles evermore.
The happy birds sing in the trees
To the music of the southern breeze;
And they fear no lack of food,
Chirping in the underwood;
For ripe seeds and berried bushes
Serve the finches and the thrushes,
And all feathered fowls that dwell
In that shade majestical.
Beyond all clouds and all mistiness
I float in the strength of my loveliness.
And I move round the sun with a measured motion
In the blue expanse of the ekyey ocean;
And I hear the song of the angel throng
In a river of extasy flow along,
Without a pausing, without a hushing,
Like an everlasting fountain’s gushing
That of its own will bubbles up
From a white untainted cup.
Countless planets float round me,
Differing all in majesty;
Smaller some, and some more great,
Amethystine, roseate,
Golden, silvery, glowing blue,
Hueless, and of every hue.
Each and all, both great and small,
With a cadence musical,
Shoot out rays of glowing praise
Never ending, but always
Hymning the Creator’s might
Who hath filled them full of light,
Pealing through eternity,
Filling out immensity;
Sun and moon and stars together
In heights where is no cloudy weather;
Where is nor storm nor mist nor rain,
Where night goeth not to come again.
On and on and on for ever,
Never ceasing, sinking never,
Voiceless adorations rise
To the heaven above the skies.
We all chant with a holy harmony,
No discord marreth our melody;
Here are no strifes nor envyings,
But each with love joyously sings,
For ever and ever floating free
In the azure light of infinity.

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