The Cultural Presupposition

Happy the hare at morning, for she cannot read

The Hunter s waking thoughts, lucky the leaf

Unable to predict the fall, lucky indeed

The rampant suflFering suffocating jelly

Burgeoning in pools, lapping the grits of the desert,

But what shall man do, who can whistle tunes by heart,

Knows to the bar when death shall cut him short like the cry of the shearwater,

What can he do but defend himself from his knowledge?


How comely are his places of refuge and the tabernacles of his peace,

The new books upon the morning table, the lawns and the afternoon terraces!

Here are the playing-fields where he may forget his ignorance

To operate within a gentlemans agreement: twenty-two sins have here a certain licence.

Here are the thickets where accosted lovers combatant

May warm each other with their wicked hands,

Here are the avenues for incantation and workshops for the cunning engravers.

The galleries are full of music, the pianist is storming the keys, the great cellist is crucified over his instrument,

That none may hear the ejaculations of the sentinels

Nor the sigh of the most numerous and the most poor; the thud of their falling bodies

Who with their lives have banished hence the serpent and the faceless insect.

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