Nature is so near: the rooks in the college garden

Like agile babies still speak the language of feeling;

By the tower the river still runs to the sea and will run,

And the stones in that tower are utterly

Satisfied still with their weight.


And the minerals and creatures, so deeply in love with their lives

Their sin of accidie excludes all others,

Challenge the nervous students with a careless beauty.

Setting a single error

Against their countless faults.


O in these quadrangles where Wisdom honours herself

Does the original stone merely echo that praise

Shallowly, or utter a bland hymn of comfort,

The founder’s equivocal blessing

On all who worship Success?


Promising to the sharp sword all the glittering prizes.

The cars, the hotels, the service, the boisterous bed,

Then power to silence outrage with a testament.

The vadow’s tears forgotten.

The fatherless unheard.


Whispering to chauffeurs and little girls, to tourists and dons,

That Knowledge is conceived in the hot womb of Violence

Who in a late hour of apprehension and exhaustion

Strains to her weeping breast

That blue-eyed darling head.


And is that child happy with his box of lucky books

And all the jokes of learning? Birds cannot grieve:

Wisdom is a beautiful bird; but to the wise

Often, often is it denied

To be beautiful or good.


Without are the shops, the works, the whole green county

Where a cigarette comforts the guilty and a kiss the weak;

There thousands fidget and poke and spend their money:

Eros Paidagogos

Weeps on his virginal bed.


Ah, if that thoughtless almost natural world

Would snatch his sorrow to her loving sensual heart!

But he is Eros and must hate what most he loves;

And she is of Nature;

Nature Can only love herself.


And over the talkative city like any other

Weep the non-attached angels. Here too the knowledge of death

Is a consuming love: And the natural heart refuses

The low unflattering voice

That rests not till it find a hearing.

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