From scars where kestrels hover.

The leader looking over

Into the happy valley,

Orchard and curving river.

May turn away to see

The slow fastidious line

That disciplines the fell.

Hear curlew’s creaking call

From angles unforseen,

The drumming of a snipe

Surprise where driven sleet

Had scalded to the bone

And streams are acrid yet

To an unaccustomed lip;

The tall unwoundcd leader

Of doomed companions, all

Whose voices in the rock

Are now perpetual.

Fighters for no one’s sake.

Who died beyond the border.


Heroes are buried who

Did not believe in death

And bravery is now

Not in the dying breath

But resisting the temptations

To skyline operations.

Yet glory is not new;

The summer visitors

Still come from far and wide,

Choosing their spots to view

The prize competitors,

Each thinking that he will

Find heroes in the wood,

Far from the capital


Where lights and wine are set

For supper by the lake.

But leaders must migrate:

‘Leave for Cape Wrath tonight,’’

And the host after waiting

Must quench the lamps and pass

Alive into the house.

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