Madam and Her Might-Have-Been

I had two husbands.
I could of had three—
But my Might-Have-Been
Was too good for me.

When you grow up the hard way
Sometimes you don’t know
What’s too good to be true,
Just might be so.

He worked all the time,
Spent his money on me—
First time in my life
I had anything free.

I said, Do you love me?
Or am I mistaken?
You’re always giving
And never taking.

He said, Madam, I swear
All I want is you.
Right then and there
I knowed we was through!

I told him, Jackson,
You better leave—
You got some’n else
Up your sleeve:

When you think you got bread
It’s always a stone—
Nobody loves nobody
For yourself alone.

He said, In me
You’ve got no trust.
I said, I don’t want
My heart to bust.

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