The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.
From Canto CXIII
Thru the 12 houses of heaven
seeing the just and the unjust,
tasting the sweet and the sorry,
Pater Helios turning.
“Mortal praise has no sound in her ears”
And who no longer make gods out of beauty
Θρήνος this is a dying.
Yet to walk with Mozart, Agassiz and Linnaeus
Here take thy mind’s space
And to this garden, Marcella, ever seeking by petal, by leaf-vein
ever seeking by petal, by leaf-vein
out of dark, and toward twilight
And over Li Chiang, the snow range is turquoise
Rock’s world that he saved us for memory
a thin trace in high air
And with them Pare (Abrroise) and the men against death
Tweddell, Donnelly,
Old Pompelly crossed Gobi
“no horse, no dog, and no goat.”
I’d eat his liver, told that son of…
and now bigod I have done it
17 Maggio,
why not spirits.
But for the sun and serenitas
(19th May ’59)
-once said serenitas
(Atthis etc)
at Dieudonné’s
in pre-history
No dog, no horse, and no goat,
The long flank, the firm breast
and to know beauty, and death and despair
And to think that what has been shall be
Flowing, ever unstill.