For the Last Time

In gorgeous robes befitting the occasion

For weeks their spiritual and temporal lordships met

To reconcile eternity with time and set

The earth of marriage on a sure foundation :

The little town was full of spies; corrupt mankind

Chatted or wagered on its expectation.


The doors swung back at last: success had been complete.

The formulae essential to salvation Were found for ever, and the true relation

Of Agape to Eros finally defined:

The burghers hung out flags in celebration,

The peasants danced and roasted oxen in the street.


As they dispersed, four heralds galloped up with news:


‘^The tribes are moving on the Western Marches.

Out East a virgin has conceived a son again.

The Southern harbours are infested with the Jews.

The Northern provinces are much deluded

By one who claims there are not seven stars, but ten.”


Who wrote upon the council-chamber arches

That sad exasperated cry of tired old men:

— Postremum Sanctus Spiritus effudit?

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