Category William Blake

To Venetian Artists

That God is Colouring Newton does shew, And the devil is a black outline, all of us know. Perhaps this little P’able may make us merry: A dog went over the water without a wherry; A bone which he had…

I asked my Dear Friend Orator Prig:

I asked my Dear Friend Orator Prig: ‘What’s the first part of Oratory?’ He said: ‘A great wig.’ ‘And what is the second?’ Then, dancing a jig d bowing profoundly, he said : ‘ A great wig.’ ‘ And what is…

Why was Cupid a Boy

Why was Cupid a Boy, And why a boy was he? He should have been a Girl, For aught that I can see. For he shoots with his bow, And the Girl shoots with her Eye, And they both are…