Category Maya Angelou

Touched By An Angel

We, unaccustomed to courage exiles from delight live coiled in shells of loneliness until love leaves its high holy temple and comes into our sight to liberate us into life. Love arrives and in its train come ecstasies old memories…

We Had Him

To Michael Jackson Beloveds, now we know that we know nothing Now that our bright and shining star can slip away from our fingertips like a puff of summer wind. Without notice, our dear love can escape our doting embrace…

Million Man March Poem

The night has been long, the wound has been deep, the pit has been dark, and the walls have been steep. Under a dead blue sky on a distant beach, I was dragged by my braids just beyond your reach.…

A Brave And Startling Truth

We, this people, on a small and lonely planet Traveling through casual space Past aloof stars, across the way of indifferent suns To a destination where all signs tell us It is possible and imperative that we learn A brave…

On The Pulse Of Morning

A Rock, A River, A Tree Hosts to species long since departed, Mark the mastodon. The dinosaur, who left dry tokens Of their sojourn here On our planet floor, Any broad alarm of their of their hastening doom Is lost…

When Great Trees Fall

When great trees fall, rocks on distant hills shudder, lions hunker down in tall grasses, and even elephants lumber after safety. When great trees fall in forests, small things recoil into silence, their senses eroded beyond fear. When great souls…

They Ask Why

A certain person wondered why a big strong girl like me wouldn’t keep a job which paid a normal salary. I took my time to lead her and to read her every page. Even minimal people can’t survive on minimal…

In My Missouri

In my Missouri I had known a mean man A hard man A cold man Gutting me and killing me Was an Ice man A tough man A man. So I thought I’d never meet a sweet man A kind…

Loss of Love

The loss of love and youth and fire came raiding, riding, a horde of plunderers on one caparisoned steed, sucking up the sun drops, trampling the green shoots of my carefully planted years. The evidence: thickened waist and leathery thighs,…