Category Lord Byron

To Penelope

This day, of all our days, has done   The worst for me and you:—‘T is just six years since we were one,   And five since we were two.

A Volume of Nonsense

   Dear Murray,—             You ask for a “Volume of Nonsense,”   Have all of your authors exhausted their store?I thought you had published a good deal not long since.   And doubtless the Squadron are ready with…

My Boy Hobbie O

New Song to the tune of “Whare hae ye been a’ day,   My boy Tammy O?Courting o’ a young thing   Just come frae her Mammie O.” 1. How came you in Hob’s pound to cool,   My boy Hobbie O?Because I bade…

On my Wedding-Day

Here’s a happy New Year! but with reason   I beg you’ll permit me to say—Wish me many returns of the Season,But as few as you please of the Day