Category Li Bai

The Cold Clear Spring at Nanyang

A pity it is evening, yetI do love the water of this springseeing how clear it is, how clean;rays of sunset gleam on it,lighting up its ripples, making itone with those who travelthe roads; I turn and facethe moon; sing…

The City of Choan

The phoenix are at play on their terrace.The phoenix are gone, the river flows on alone.Flowers and grassCover over the dark path                  where lay the dynastic house of the Go.The bright cloths…

Summer Day in the Mountains

In a copse of green pines,I fling my hat on a rockspur,Hurling after itThe rest of my clothes. Stretched at ease on soft grass,Lazily I flick a white-feather fanAs a pine breeze playsIn my loose, unknotted hair.

South-Folk in Cold Country

The Dai horse neighs against the bleak wind of        Etsu,The birds of Etsu have no love for En, in the north,Emotion is born out of habit.Yesterday we went out of the Wild-Goose gate,To-day from the Dragon-Pen.*Surprised. Desert…

Song of the Jade Cup

A jade cup was broken because old age cametoo soon to give fulfilment to hopes; after drinkingthree cups of wine I wiped my sword andstarted to dance under an autumn moon firstsinging in a high voice then unable to halttears…

Song of the Forge

The forge-fire sets a glow in the heavens,the hammer thunders, showering the smoke with sparks. A ruddy smithy, the white face of the moon,and the hammer, ringing down cold dark canyons.


I sat drinking and did not notice the dusk,Till falling petals filled the folds of my dress.Drunken I rose and walked to the moonlit stream;The birds were gone, and men also few.

Seeing Off a Friend

Green hills above the northern wall,White water winding east of the city.On this spot our single act of parting,The lonely tumbleweed journeys ten thousand li.Drifting clouds echo the traveller’s thoughts,The setting sun reflects my old friend’s feelings.You wave your hand…