Category Emily Dickinson

We turn not older with years, but newer every day.

Those not live yet

Those not live yet Who doubt to live again — “Again” is of a twice But this — is one — The Ship beneath the Draw Aground — is he? Death — so — the Hyphen of the Sea —…

Those cattle smaller than a Bee

Those cattle smaller than a Bee That herd upon the eye — Whose tillage is the passing Crumb — Those Cattle are the Fly — Of Barns for Winter — blameless — Extemporaneous stalls They found to our objection —…

Those — dying then

Those — dying then, Knew where they went — They went to God’s Right Hand — That Hand is amputated now And God cannot be found — The abdication of Belief Makes the Behavior small — Better an ignis fatuus…

This docile one inter

This docile one inter While we who dare to live Arraign the sunny brevity That sparkled to the Grave. On her departing span No wilderness remain As dauntless in the House of Death As if it were her own —