Category e. e. Cummings

lively and loathesome moe’s respectably dead

  lively and loathesome moe’s respectably dead via(the papers are prudent)a heartattack: dead is the whiteeyed face of,absurdly stuck to its perfumed piglike body,a shark;and gone “thiz-iz-un a chuf-tran-zish n” he frequently said (married a nice gal who’d slaved in…

mary green

mary greencheerful & generousflew to america(just like a dream) fearless & loyal(honest & strong)utterly irish& realer than sunlight it’s lucky the man isherself will make happy(though poor he’ll be rich &if old he’ll grow young)


      cont)-in    this          crazily per c   hedtown(screams a & screams )& screams A n(about to bring for               t)hW omb an     -(in u, all;…

tonight the moon is round golden entire

  tonight the moon is round golden entire.    It is satisfied and fragile,it does not ask questions such as “do you earn your living?    And ifnot why not” or “how,under the circumstances,will you support yourself?”     The moon…

birds meet above the new Moon

birds meet above the new Moonan instant:drooping,describe suddenlyarcs of craziness;chasing eachother,disappear wisely into the texture of twilight… She is as slender as an accidentand seems to notice nothing—perhapswhat is worthy of her comprehensiondoes not exist(or else in her mute way…

Float ing ly)

  Float ing ly)     i      (in Khoury’s warm ish      )look ing at thousands ofwinter afternoons,through a sometimesa window In khoury‘s womB for Ladies and Gents like Restaurant(always in Whom faces) o ra mi (sleep…

love’s absence is illusion,alias time

  love’s absence is illusion,alias time (a shadowy hell whose inmates war to seize each nothing which all greedy wraiths proclaim substance;all frenzied spectres,happiness) lovers alone wear sunlight.    The whole truth (not hid by matter;not by mind revealed) which…

this fear is no longer dear.

  this fear is no longer dear. You are not going to America and i but that doesn’t in the least matter.    The bigfear Who had us deeply in his fist isno longer,can you imagine iti can’t which doesn’t…