Category e. e. Cummings

there are so many tictoc

  there are so many tictocclocks everywhere telling people what toctic time it is fortictic instance five toc minutes toc past six tic Spring is not regulated and does not get out of order nor doits hands a little jerking…

she,straddling my lap,

                               she,straddling my lap, hinges(wherewith I tongue each eager pap) and,reaching down,by merely fingertips the hungry Visitor steers to love’s lips Whom(justly as she now begins…

skies may be blue;yes

skies may be blue;yes(when gone are hail and sleet and snow)but bluer-than my darling’s eyes,spring skies are no hearts may be true;yes(by night or day in joy or woe)but truer than your lover’s is,hearts do not grow nows may be…

we being not each other:without love

we being not each other:without love separate,smileless—only suppose your spirit a certain reckoning demands… wondering what ever is become of with his acute gradual lusting glance an illdressed wellmoving foolishwise (tracking the beast Tomorrow by her spoor) over the earth…

love is a guess

  love is a guess that deepens (time is a rose which opens)                      your eyes,my darling,are two young worlds of dew never yet named a stillness (wholly undreamed what frailness)…

devil crept in eden wood

devil crept in eden wood(grope me wonderful grope me good)and he saw two humans roaming—hear that tree agroaning woman chewed and man he chewed(open beautiful open good)and their eyes were wet and shining—feel that snake aclimbing lord he called and…