Category e. e. Cummings

Life shuts &)opens the world

  life     shuts &)opens the world goes upward                      ,spring every where beginningly .breathes(feels with men girls trees lakes birds cities are bright crisp which new)slowly most out of a…

leastlessly out

leastlessly outof thismore steep ofthat most noisy muchful colour a(silent andbeginning)howimpossibly fragrance swimsis(who the little who)floating a silently wandersand very carefully smilinghow shyly toherself moon-childdoll -dream


ance)danc -ing millions allwhispers are blossoms of touch-able everywhere Is(leap whoflow divea- light&O)such made ofyes whiter than wonders comekissingly creaturesof dreaming how skilfulestFloating! -y every-thing perfectly shiningare(angels)and aarare ara-n- d(d


ringed with monstrousa doomedworld’s huge how thunders are (slowly but certainly)crum bling each more silent than each reminders of this orof that once(who knows)maybe fearlesshim orbeautiful possibly her andeven loving est youme

every one of the red roses opened

every one of the red roses opened(each in wholly her own amazing wayjust as nobody else could ever have happened)”up light spirits of mr and mrs dey “well you know you said it was for a lady’s”michael’s eyebrows “birthday” climbing…

now winging selves sing sweetly,while ghosts(there

now winging selves sing sweetly,while ghosts(thereand here)of snow cringe;dazed an earth shakes sleepout of her brightening mind:now everywherespace tastes of the amazement which is hope gone are those hugest hours of dark and coldwhen blood and flesh to inexistence bow(all…

Us if therefore must forget ourselves)

Us if therefore must forget ourselves)or?if because morethan sleep like sleep arethey move who cannot be(never may live have pain grow joy)alive(therefore and orif should night what open beyond allmemories a tomorrow of descending brightful undeath)makewe why prayer for how…