Category e. e. Cummings

Our Flag

O flag of the nation! O Red,White and Blue!O symbol of liberty,waving anew!All through our lives may we reverence thee,The nation’s bright ensign for liberty! Dear flag,thou art sacred in peace and in war,Where many have died for the stripe…

should far this from mankind’s unmysteries

should far this from mankind’s unmysteriesall nothing knowing particle who’s i look up,into not something called the sky but(wild with midnight’s millionary is)a seething fearfully infinitudeof gladly glorying immortalities; illimitable each transcending proud most mind’s diminutive how deathly guess

BALLADE: does something lie who’d rather stand;

does something lie who’d rather stand;but if which tries to try to,theuniverse opens like a wound:spreadeagling on this bowerydump’s filthy floor a former e.g. gentleman?—not my hands pryfiercely that stinker from his pee(because the poor sonofabitch is i) do blood…

like a little bear twilight

  like a little bear twilightclimbs clumsily and beautifully theladder of the sky(a whipped and very little bear who goes through histricks awkwardly and rapidly atsome fair,fearful of the cracking whip)andrungs ofcloud bend one by one under the hustling hairy…