Category e. e. Cummings

The Eagle

  1 It was one of those clear,sharp.mustless days        That summer and man delight in.Never had Heaven seemed quite so high,Never had earth seemed quite so green,Never had the world seemed quite so cleanOr sky so nigh.        And I heard the Deity’s…


If freckles were lovely, and day was night, And measles were nice and a lie warn’t a lie, Life would be delight,— But things couldn’t go right For in such a sad plight / wouldn’t be /. If earth was…

Summer Song

I Warm air throbbing with locust songs, Warm clouds screening the heavens’ blue rifts. Warm sun shadowing over-head cloud drifts, Warm sky straining, earth-tethered, at her cloud-thongs. II Far away A thrushes’ choir trills. Far away The murmur of a…

Early Summer Sketch

The rainDrips downO’er fieldsAll greenWith grain. Earth’s gownIs seenClingingTo herIn foldsBedraggled. The greySky yieldsGreat dropsDown-wingingO’er topsOf firAnd woldsGreen-gayWith Summer,The new-comer. For sodHas haggledWith sky. The tearsFall fastOn high. AghastAnd DazedEarth stands,And liftsHer hands,To seeThe wrongWhich sheHas done. The sunBreaks outAnd…

The Passing of the Year

The world outside is dark; my fire burns low;All’s quiet, save the ticking of the clockAnd rustling of the ruddy coals, that flockTogether, hot and red, to gleam and glow.The sad old year is near his overthrow,And all the world…

A chilly,murky night;

A chilly,murky night;The street lamps flicker low,A hail-like,whispering rainBeats ’gainst the streaked,bleak pane;The sickly,ghostly glowOf the blurred, blinking,wavering, flickering lightShines on the muddy streets in sombre gleamsLike a wierd lamp post on a road of dreams. A dreary,heavy darkness;In quivering…

The world is very big

The world is very big, and weAre very small and ignorant,But, till our Father doth transplant,Into the garden we forsee—Fragrant upon a far off lee—Each frail and quickly withered plant,He doth to each a duty grant,And He hath given one…

The River of Mist

     Stretching away to westward the great river lies quiet beneath me. So still it lies, that it seems as if it had not yet awakened from the delicious sleep brought on by the silence of night.     A…


Great, good, just, kind and loving God,Ohl! tell us how we can everThank Thee enough for what Thou hast done!For the bond that none can sever,That binds us mortals close to Thee,And gives us wisdom and eyes to see. For…