The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Alfred, Lord Tennyson

The Goose

I knew an old wife lean and poor,Her rags scarce held together;There strode a stranger to the door,And it was windy weather. He held a goose upon his arm,He utter’d rhyme and reason,“Here, take the goose, and keep you warm,It…

Love Thou Thy Land, With Love Far-Brought

Love thou thy land, with love far-broughtFrom out the storied past, and usedWithin the present, but transfusedThro’ future time by power of thought; True love turn’d round on fixed poles,Love, that endures not sordid ends,For English natures, freemen, friends,Thy brothers…


I.O sweet pale Margaret,O rare pale Margaret,What lit your eyes with tearful power,Like moonlight on a falling shower?Who lent you, love, your mortal dowerOf pensive thought and aspect pale,Your melancholy sweet and frailAs perfume of the cuckoo-flower?From the westward-winding flood,From…

A Dream of Fair Women

I read, before my eyelids dropt their shade,‘The Legend of Good Women,’ long agoSung by the morning star of song, who madeHis music heard below; Dan Chaucer, the first warbler, whose sweet breathPreluded those melodious bursts that fillThe spacious times…


i. I thought to pass away before, and yet alive I am;And in the fields all round I hear the bleating of the lamb.How sadly, I remember, rose the morning of the year!To die before the snowdrop came, and now…

New Year’s Eve

i. If you’re waking call me early, call me early, mother dear, For I would see the sun rise upon the glad New-year. It is the last New-year that I shall ever see, Then you may lay me low i’…

Lady Clara Vere de Vere

Lady Clara Vere de Vere,Of me you shall not win renown;You thought to break a country heartFor pastime, ere you went to town.At me you smiled, but unbeguiledI saw the snare, and I retired:The daughter of a hundred Earls,You are…

The Sisters

We were two daughters of one race;She was the fairest in the face.The wind is blowing in turret and tree.They were together, and she fell;Therefore revenge became me well.O, the earl was fair to see! She died; she went to…


1 Thy dark eyes open’d not,Nor first reveal’d themselves to English air,For there is nothing here,Which, from the outward to the inward brought,Moulded thy baby thought.Far off from human neighbourhood,Thou wert born, on a summer morn,A mile beneath the cedar-wood.Thy…