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Category Alfred, Lord Tennyson


I. O well for him whose will is strong! He suffers, but he will not suffer long; He suffers, but he cannot suffer wrong: For him nor moves the loud world’s random mock, Nor all Calamity’s hugest waves confound, Who…

To the Rev. F.D.Maurice

Come, when no graver cares employ,Godfather, come and see your boy:Your presence will be sun in winter,Making the little one leap for joy. For, being of that honest few,Who give the Fiend himself his due,Should eighty-thousand college-councilsThunder `Anathema,’ friend, at…


Eyes not down-dropt nor over-bright, but fedWith the clear-pointed flame of chastity,Clear, without heat, undying, tended byPure vestal thoughts in the translucent faneOf her still spirit ; locks not wide-dispread,Madonna-wise on either side her head;Sweet lips whereon perpetually did reignThe…


Where Claribel low-lieth The breezes pause and die, Letting the rose-leaves fall: But the solemn oak-tree sigheth, Thick-leaved, ambrosial, With an ancient melody Of an inward agony, Where Claribel low-lieth. At eve the beetle boometh Athwart the thicket lone: At…


A Poem which Obtained the Chancellor’s Medalat the Cambridge Commencement MDCCCXXIX,By A. Tennyson of Trinity College [Printed in Cambridge Chronicle and Journal of Friday, July 10, 1829, and at the University Press by James Smith, among the Prolusiones Academicæ Præmiis annuis dignatæ et in Curiâ…

To Christopher North

You did late review my lays,Crusty Christopher;You did mingle blame and praise,Rusty Christopher.When I learnt from whom it came,I forgave you all the blame,Musty Christopher;I could _not_ forgive the praise,Fusty Christopher.

O Darling Room

IO darling room, my heart’s delight,Dear room, the apple of my sight,With thy two couches soft and white,There is no room so exquisite,No little room so warm and bright,Wherein to read, wherein to write. II For I the Nonnenwerth have…