Category Poem

The Thing Unplanned

The white winter sun struck its stroke on the bridge, The meadow-rills rippled and gleamedAs I left the thatched post-office, just by the ridge, And dropped in my pocket her long tender letter, With: “This must be snapped! it is…

Alike and Unlike

(Great-Orme’s Head)We watched the selfsame scene on that long drive,Saw the magnificent purples, as one eye,Of those near mountains; saw the storm arrive;Laid up the sight in memory, you and I,As if for joint recallings by and by.But our eye-records,…

At the Mill

O miller knox, whom we knew well, And the mill, and the floury floors, And the corn, and those two women, And infants-yours!The sun was shining when you rode To market on that day: The sun was set when home-along…

Under High-Stoy Hill

Four climbed High-Stoy from Ivelwards,Where hedge meets hedge, and cart-ruts wind, Chattering like birds,And knowing not what lay behind.We laughed beneath the moonlight blink,Said supper would be to our mind, And did not thinkOf Time, and what might lie behind.…

The Missed Train

How I was caughtHieing home, after days of allure,And driven to an inn—small, obscure— At the junction, fret-fraught! How civil my faceTo get them to chamber me there—A roof I had passed scarce aware That it stood at the place.…

The History of an Hour

Vain is the wish to try rhyming it, writing it!Pen cannot weld into words what it was;Time will be squandered in toil at inditing it; Clear is the cause!Yea, ’twas too satiate with soul, too ethereal;June-morning scents of a rose-bush…

Horses Aboard

Horses in horsecloths stand in a rowOn board the huge ship that at last lets go:Whither are they sailing? They do not know,Nor what for, nor how.— They are horses of war,And are going to where there is fighting afar;But…

A Watcher’s Regret

J.E.’s StoryI slept across the front of the clock, Close to the long case-door;The hours were brought by their brazen knock To my ear as the slow nights wore.Thus did I, she being sick to death, That each hour as…

At the Aquatic Sports

With their backs to the sea two fiddlers standFacing the concourse on the strand, And a third man who sings.The sports proceed; there are crab-catchings;The people laugh as levity spreads;Yet these three do not turn their heads To see whence…

The Flower’s Tragedy

In the bedchamber window, near the glass,Stood the little flower in the little vase, Unnoticed quite For a whole fortnight,And withered for lack of wateringTo a skeleton mere—a mummied thing.But it was not much, mid a world of teen,That a…