Category Poem


So sweet the hour, so calm the time, I feel it more than half a crime, When Nature sleeps and stars are mute, To mar the silence ev’n with lute. At rest on ocean’s brilliant dyes An image of Elysium…

An Enigma

“Seldom we find,” says Solomon Don Dunce, “Half an idea in the profoundest sonnet. Through all the flimsy things we see at once As easily as through a Naples bonnet- Trash of all trash!- how can a lady don it?…


Ah, broken is the golden bowl! the spirit flown forever! Let the bell toll!- a saintly soul floats on the Stygian river; And, Guy de Vere, hast thou no tear?- weep now or nevermore! See! on yon drear and rigid…

The Sleeper

My love, she sleeps! Oh, may her sleep As it is lasting, so be deep! Soft may the worms about her creep! Far in the forest, dim and old, For her may some tall vault unfold- Some vault that oft…

Bridal Ballad

The ring is on my hand, And the wreath is on my brow; Satin and jewels grand Are all at my command, And I am happy now.   And my lord he loves me well; But, when first he breathed…


But the traveller, travelling through it, May not- dare not openly view it! Never its mysteries are exposed To the weak human eye unclosed; So wills its King, who hath forbid The uplifting of the fringed lid; And thus the…


Gaily bedight, A gallant knight, In sunshine and in shadow, Had journeyed long, Singing a song, In search of Eldorado.   But he grew old- This knight so bold- And o’er his heart a shadow Fell as he found No…

Spirits Of The Dead

Thy soul shall find itself alone ‘Mid dark thoughts of the grey tombstone; Not one, of all the crowd, to pry Into thine hour of secrecy.   Be silent in that solitude, Which is not loneliness- for then The spirits…

Al Aaraaf

PART I   O! nothing earthly save the ray (Thrown back from flowers) of Beauty’s eye, As in those gardens where the day Springs from the gems of Circassy- O! nothing earthly save the thrill Of melody in woodland rill-…


Romance, who loves to nod and sing, with drowsy head and folded wing, among the green leaves as they shake far down within some shadowy lake, to me a painted paroquet hath been — a most familiar bird — taught…