

Beyond the Last Lamp 

I While rain, with eve in partnership,Descended darkly, drip, drip, drip,Beyond the last lone lamp I passed   Walking slowly, whispering sadly,   Two linked loiterers, wan, downcast:Some heavy thought constrained each face,And blinded them to time and place. II The pair seemed lovers,…

The Torn Letter

I I tore your letter into strips      No bigger than the airy feathers      That ducks preen out in changing weathersUpon the shifting ripple-tips. II In darkness on my bed alone      I seemed to see…

A Thunderstorm in Town

She wore a ‘terra-cotta’ dress,And we stayed, because of the pelting storm,Within the hansom’s dry recess,Though the horse had stopped; yea, motionless            We sat on, snug and warm. Then the downpour ceased, to my sharp…

The Sun on the Bookcase

(Student’s Love-Song: 1870) Once more the cauldron of the sunSmears the bookcase with winy red,And here my page is, and there my bed,And the apple-tree shadows travel along.Soon their intangible track will be run,            And dusk grow strong       …

The Difference

ISinking down by the gate I discern the thin moon,And a blackbird tries over old airs in the pine,But the moon is a sorry one, sad the bird’s tune,For this spot is unknown to that Heartmate of mine. IIDid my…

To Meet, or Otherwise

Whether to sally and see thee, girl of my dreams,        Or whether to stayAnd see thee not! How vast the difference seems        Of Yea from NayJust now. Yet this same sun will slant its…

After The Visit

            Come again to the placeWhere your presence was as a leaf that skimsDown a drouthy way whose ascent bedims            The bloom on the farer’s face.        …

The Ghost of the Past

We two kept house, the Past and I,The Past and I;I tended while it hovered nigh,Leaving me never alone.It was a spectral housekeepingWhere fell no jarring tone,As strange, as still a housekeepingAs ever has been known. As daily I went…

The Convergence of the Twain

(Lines on the loss of the “Titanic”)   I             In a solitude of the sea             Deep from human vanity, And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.   II             Steel chambers, late the pyres             Of her salamandrine…