

The Going

Why did you give no hint that night That quickly after the morrow’s dawn, And calmly, as if indifferent quite, You would close your term here, up and be gone Where I could not follow With wing of swallow To…

Under the Waterfall

‘Whenever I plunge my arm, like this,In a basin of water, I never missThe sweet sharp sense of a fugitive dayFetched back from its thickening shroud of gray.        Hence the only prime        And real…

The Year’s Awakening

How do you know that the pilgrim trackAlong the belting zodiacSwept by the sun in his seeming roundsIs traced by now to the Fishes’ boundsAnd into the Ram, when weeks of cloudHave wrapt the sky in a clammy shroud,And never…

At day-close in November

The ten hours’ light is abating,      And a late bird flies across,Where the pines, like waltzers waiting,      Give their black heads a toss. Beech leaves, that yellow the noon-time,      Float past like specks in…

Before and After Summer

I Looking forward to the springOne puts up with anything.On this February day,Though the winds leap down the street,Wintry scourgings seem but play,And these later shafts of sleet—Sharper pointed than the first —And these later snows — the worst —Are…


‘It is a foolish thing,’ said I,‘To bear with such, and pass it by;Yet so I do, I know not why!’ And at each clash I would surmiseThat if I had acted otherwiseI might have saved me many sighs. But…

The Discovery

I wandered to a crude coast           Like a ghost;     Upon the hills I saw fires —           Funeral pyres     Seemingly — and heard breakingWaves like distant cannonades that set the land…


Along the way     He walked that day,Watching shapes that reveries limn,     And seldom he     Had eyes to seeThe moment that encompassed him.      Bright yellowhammers     Made mirthful clamours,And billed long straws with a bustling air, …

Ah, are You Digging on My Grave?

“Ah, are you digging on my grave,            My loved one? — planting rue?”— “No: yesterday he went to wedOne of the brightest wealth has bred.‘It cannot hurt her now,’ he said,         …

Spectres That Grieve

    “It is not death that harrows us,” they lipped,    “The soundless cell is in itself relief,    For life is an unfenced flower, benumbed and nipped    At unawares, and at its best but brief.”     The speakers, sundry phantoms of the gone,    Had risen like filmy…