

As if I asked a common Alms

As if I asked a common Alms, And in my wondering hand A Stranger pressed a Kingdom, And I, bewildered, stand— As if I asked the Orient Had it for me a Morn— And it should lift its purple Dikes,…

I’m Nobody! Who Are You?

I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know!   How dreary to be somebody! How public like a frog To tell one’s name the…

“We talked as Girls do-“

We talked as Girls do— Fond, and late— We speculated fair, on every subject, but the Grave— Of ours, none affair—   We handled Destinies, as cool— As we—Disposers—be— And God, a Quiet Party To our Authority—   But fondest,…