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As I have known them passionate and fine
The gold fe r which they leave the golden time
Of lync is a golden light divine,
Never the gold of darkness from a mIne.

The Spirit plays us strange religious pranks
To whatsoever god we owe the thanks.
No one has ever failed the poet ranks
To link a chain of money-metal banks

The loss to song, the danger of defection
Is always in the Opposite direction.
Some turn In sheer, In Shelleyan dejection
To try if one more popular election

Will give us by short cut the final stage
That poetry with all its golden rage
For beauty on the Illuminated page
Has faued to bring-I mean the Golden Age.

And If this may not be (and nothing’s sure),
At least to live un golden With the poor,
Enduring what the ungolden must endure.
This has been poetry’s great anti-lure.

The muse mourns one who went to rus retreat
Long since in some abysmal city street,
The bride who shared the crust he broke to eat
As grave as he about the world’s defeat.

With such it has proved dangerous as friend
Even in a playful moment to contend
That the millennium to which you bend
In longing is not at a progress-end

By grace of state-manipulated pelf,
Or politIcs of Ghibelline or Guelph,
But right beside you book-like on a shelf,
Or even better god-like in yourself.

He trusts my love too well to deign reply.
But there is in the sadness of hIs eye,
Something about a kingdom in the sky
(As yet unbrought to earth) he means to try.

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