
Daughter of mine, so fair,
   With a form like a golden flower,
Wherefore thy pensive air
   And the dreams in the myrtle bower?

Clëis, beloved, thy eyes
   That are turned from my gaze, thy hand
That trembles so, I prize
   More than all the Lydian land;

More than the lovely hills
   With the Lesbian olive crowned;—
Tell me, darling, what ills
   In the gloom of thy thought are found?

Daughter of mine, come near
   And thy head on my knees recline;
Whisper and never fear,
   For the beat of thy heart is mine.

Sweet mother, I can turn
   With content to my loom no more;
My bosom throbs, I yearn
   For a youth that my eyes adore;

Lykas of Eresus,
   Whom I knew when a little child;
My heart by Love is thus
   With the sweetest of pain beguiled.

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