The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

XXVIII. Elizabeth

Hail, Virgin Queen! o’er many an envious bar
Triumphant—snatched from many a treacherous wile!
All hail, Sage Lady, whom a grateful Isle
Hath blest, respiring from that dismal war
Stilled by thy voice! But quickly from afar
Defiance breathes with more malignant aim;
And alien storms with home-bred ferments claim
Portentous fellowship. Her silver car
Meanwhile, by prudence ruled, glides slowly on;
Unhurt by violence, from menaced taint
Emerging pure, and seemingly more bright!
For, wheresoe’er she moves, the clouds anon
Disperse; or—under a Divine constraint—
Reflect some portion of her glorious light!

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