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The Walnut Tree

Foamlike clouds my head,
the sea is me inside and out,
a walnut tree I am, in Gülhane Park:
an old walnut tree, gnarled and scarred.
This, neither you notice, nor the police.

I am a walnut tree in Gülhane Park.
My leaves sparkle like fish in water.
My leaves flutter like silk handkerchiefs;
pick a few, sweetheart, and wipe your tears.
My leaves are my hands; I have one hundred thousand hands.
I touch you, Istanbul, with one hundred thousand hands.
My leaves are my eyes, I look in wonder.
I watch you, Istanbul, with one hundred thousand eyes…
And my leaves beat, like one hundred thousand hearts.

I am walnut tree in Gülhane Park,
this, neither you notice, nor the police.
1 Temmuz 1957
Tr. by Cahit Baylav
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