The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Two Charades

My first is no proof ofmy second,
Though my second’s a proof of my first.
If I were my whole, I should tell you
Quite freely my best and my worst.

One clue more:—If you fail to discover
My meaning, you’re blind as a mole ;
But, if you will frankly confess it,
You show yourself clearly my whole.

How many authors are my first !
And I shall be so too
Unless I finish speedily
That which I have to do.

My second is a lofty tree
And a delicious fruit ;
This in the hot-house flourishes—
That amid rocks takes root.

My whole is an immortal queen
Renowned in classic lore :
Her a god won without her will,
And her a goddess bore.


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