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(Our Army in the East)

Troopin’, troopin’, troopin’ to the sea:
‘Ere’s September come again — the six-year men are free.
O leave the dead be’ind us, for they cannot come away
To where the ship’s a-coalin’ up that takes us ‘ome to-day.
  We’re goin’ ‘ome, we’re goin’ ‘ome,
  Our ship is at the shore,
 An’ you must pack your ‘aversack,
  For we won’t come back no more.
 Ho, don’t you grieve for me,
  My lovely Mary-Ann,
 For I’ll marry you yit on a fourp’ny bit
  As a time-expired man.

The Malabar‘s in ‘arbour with the ~Jumner~ at ‘er tail,
An’ the time-expired’s waitin’ of ‘is orders for to sail.
Ho! the weary waitin’ when on Khyber ‘ills we lay,
But the time-expired’s waitin’ of ‘is orders ‘ome to-day.

They’ll turn us out at Portsmouth wharf in cold an’ wet an’ rain,
All wearin’ Injian cotton kit, but we will not complain;
They’ll kill us of pneumonia — for that’s their little way —
But damn the chills and fever, men, we’re goin’ ‘ome to-day!

Troopin’, troopin’, winter’s round again!
See the new draf’s pourin’ in for the old campaign;
Ho, you poor recruities, but you’ve got to earn your pay —
What’s the last from Lunnon, lads? We’re goin’ there to-day.

Troopin’, troopin’, give another cheer —
‘Ere’s to English women an’ a quart of English beer.
The Colonel an’ the regiment an’ all who’ve got to stay,
Gawd’s mercy strike ’em gentle — Whoop! we’re goin’ ‘ome to-day.
  We’re goin’ ‘ome, we’re goin’ ‘ome,
  Our ship is at the shore,
 An’ you must pack your ‘aversack,
  For we won’t come back no more.
 Ho, don’t you grieve for me,
  My lovely Mary-Ann,
 For I’ll marry you yit on a fourp’ny bit
  As a time-expired man.

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