The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

“out of the pants which cover me

“out of the pants which cover me
frostbitten limbs from pole to pole
I thank whatever tailors be
for this unconquerable hole.
A little Porter tingaling
is pleasant even for Sweeney in the Spring.”

And at these words a sullen murmur ran
out of the University of Pennsylvania.
“However which may be;
I grow old,I grow old,

I shall tell the tailor what he should be told.”—
And as he spake Lars Porcelain
struck his bathtub
exclaiming,in words of one syllable,Eheu fugaces Postume.
(and nobody knew what daisy knew

for all men kill the thing they love:

Some does it with a turn of the screw….
and go wilde afterwards he adding settled
his frustrated celluloid collar.

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