Poem William Wordsworth

On Seeing a Needlecase in the Form of a Harp, the work of E. M. S.

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Frowns are on every Muse’s face,
   Reproaches from their lips are sent,
That mimickry should thus disgrace
   The noble Instrument.

A very Harp in all but size!
   Needles for strings in apt gradation!
Minerva’s self would stigmatize
   The unclassic profanation.

Even her own Needle that subdued
   Arachne’s rival spirit,
Though wrought in Vulcan’s happiest mood,
   Like station could not merit.

And this, too, from the Laureate’s Child,
   A living Lord of melody!
How will her Sire be reconciled
   To the refined indignity?

I spake, when whispered a low voice,
   “Bard! moderate your ire;
“Spirits of all degrees rejoice
   “In presence of the Lyre.

“The Minstrels of Pygmean bands,
   “Dwarf Genii, moonlight-loving Fays,
“Have shells to fit their tiny hands
   “And suit their slender lays.

“Some, still more delicate of ear,
   “Have lutes (believe my words)
“Whose framework is of gossamer,
   “While sunbeams are the chords.

“Gay Sylphs this Miniature will court,
   “Made vocal by their brushing wings,
“And sullen Gnomes will learn to sport
   “Around its polished strings;

“Whence strains to love-sick Maiden dear,
   “While in her lonely Bower she tries
“To cheat the thought she cannot cheer,
   “By fanciful embroideries.

“Trust, angry Bard! a knowing Sprite,
   “Nor think the Harp her lot deplores;
“Though mid the stars the Lyre shines bright,
   “Love stoops as fondly as he soars.”

Her only Pilot the soft breeze the Boat
In my mind’s eye a Temple, like a cloud


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