The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

long ago,between a dream and a dream

long ago,between a dream and a dream

(when monsieur matal directed la reine blanche
opposite cluny’s gladly miraculous most
vierge et l’enfant)someone was morethanalive
with love; with love:with love—love of whom?
love:paris;la france,une fille and at least

(while every night was a day and a day was dimanche)
seven or—not to exaggerate—certainly five

selves beyond every human imagining my;
whereas,in this epoch of mindandsoul,to feel
you’re not two billion other unselves is enough
to scare any no one nearly-if-not-quite stiff
—how did(i often ask me)that someone die?

but just as often the answer’s only a smile

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