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Letters to Taranta-Babu V.

To see
to hear
to feel
to think
to speak
to run without stopping,
to run

oh, to run

To hell with it all
what a beautiful
it is to be alive!

Think of me
while my arms embrace your wide hips
mother to my tree children,
think of the sound of a naked drop of water
dropping on a black stone.

Think of the colour
the flesh, the name of the fruit
you like most,
think of its taste in your eyes
of the red red sun,
pure green grass
and of the huge blue blue ray
blossoming fort from the moon.
Think, Taranta-Babu:
and arm
have pulled from the seventh depth
of the Earth
and shaped so many fire-eyed, steel gods
who now can destroy the world
with a single blow;
the pomegranate that fruits one in one year
can fruit one thousand;
and the world is so large
so beautiful
and the shores so infinite
that at night we can lie on the sand
and hear the starred water.
How wonderful it is to be alive
how wonderful Life is!
To understand it as a masterpiece
to hear it as a song of love
and to live like a child wondering,
to live
on by one
but all together
as if weaving the most wonderful silk cloth.
Ah, to live...
But how odd, Taranta-Babu
‘this incredibly beautiful activity’
this most joyful feel of all things
has become
so difficult
so narrow
so bloody

Tr. from the Turkish by Taner Baybars
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