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Get Up Off That Old Jive

White folks,
You better get some new jive.
That old jive is wearing thin.
I been listening to that old jive
Since I don't know when.

Fact of the matter,
To tell you the truth
Instead of just words
I want action to boot.

You been making fine speeches
For a long long while
Now give some dernocracy
To each brown-skin child.

A war's taking place.
We ain't fighting for fun.
We're fighting to win—
This fight's got to be won.

We want just what
The president said:
Freedom from fear,
And from want—

To be men,
And have bread.

So get up off that old jive.
Let's start clearing the way:
Put an end to Jim Crow
Right now, today.

A man can fight
Better that way.
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