The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.


Did you ever walk into a firehose 
With the water turned up full blast?
Did you ever walk toward police guns
When each step might be your last?
Did you ever stand up in the face of snarling dogs
And not move as the dogs came?
Did you ever feel the tear gas burn
Your day, your night, your dawn?
Your dawn
When the water's a rainbow hue,
Your dawn
When the guns are no longer aimed at you,
Your dawn
When the cops forget their jails,
Your dawn
When the police dogs wag their tails,
Your dawn
When the tear-gas canisters are dry,
Your dawn
When you own the star in the sky,
Your dawn
When the atom bomb is yours—
Your dawn
When you have the keys to all doors—
Your dawn
Will you ever forget your dawn?
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