The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

an amiable putrescence carpenters


an amiable putrescence carpenters

the village of her mind bodily which

ravelling,to a proud continual stitch
of the unmitigated systole
against my mind,the eyes’ shuddering burrs
of light stick on my brain harder than can twitch
its terrors;
                 the, month’s,swallowed,muscle(itch
of groping mucous)in my mouth occurs

homelessly. While grips Hips simply. well
fussed flesh does surely to mesh. New
and eager.    wittily peels the.    ploop.—OOc h get:breath
once,all over,kid how,funny Do tell
….sweat,succeeds breathings stopped

hear,in darkness,water the lips of death

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