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Category William Blake

You Don’t Believe

You don’t believe — I won’t attempt to make ye: You are asleep — I won’t attempt to wake ye. Sleep on! sleep on! while in your pleasant dreams Of Reason you may drink of Life’s clear streams. Reason and…

The Birds

He.    Where thou dwellest, in what grove, Tell me Fair One, tell me Love; Where thou thy charming nest dost build, O thou pride of every field! She.   Yonder stands a lonely tree, There I live and mourn for…


To find the Western path, Right thro the Gates of Wrath I urge my way; Sweet Mercy leads me on With soft repentant moan: I see the break of day. The war of swords & spears, Melted by dewy tears,…

I Saw a Monk of Charlemaine

i I saw a Monk of Charlemaine Arise before my sight; I talk’d to the Grey Monk where he stood In beams of infernal light. ii 5Gibbon arose with a lash of steel, And Voltaire with a wracking wheel: The…

When Klopstock England Defied

When Klopstock England defied, Uprose William Blake in his pride; For old Nobodaddy aloft Farted and belch’d and cough’d; Then swore a great oath that made Heaven quake, And call’d aloud to English Blake. Blake was giving his body ease,…