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Category Walt Whitman

A Font of Type

This latent mine—these unlaunch’d voices—passionate powers, Wrath, argument, or praise, or comic leer, or prayer devout, (Not nonpareil, brevier, bourgeois, long primer merely,) These ocean waves arousable to fury and to death, Or sooth’d to ease and sheeny sun and…

A Farm Picture

THROUGH the ample open door of the peaceful country barn, A sunlit pasture field with cattle and horses feeding, And haze and vista, and the far horizon fading away.

A Clear Midnight

This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless, Away from books, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done, Thee fully forth emerging, silent, gazing, pondering the themes thou lovest best, Night, sleep, death and…

A Christmas Greeting

WELCOME, Brazilian brother—thy ample place is ready; A loving hand—a smile from the north—a sunny instant hail! (Let the future care for itself, where it reveals its troubles, im- pedimentas, Ours, ours the present throe, the democratic aim, the acceptance…

A Child’s Amaze

SILENT and amazed, even when a little boy, I remember I heard the preacher every Sunday put God in his statements, As contending against some being or influence.

A Carol Closing Sixty-Nine

A carol closing sixty-nine—a résumé—a repetition, My lines in joy and hope continuing on the same, Of ye, O God, Life, Nature, Freedom, Poetry; Of you, my Land—your rivers, prairies, States—you, mottled Flag I love, Your aggregate retain’d entire—Of north, south,…

A Broadway Pageant

OVER the Western sea hither from Niphon come, Courteous, the swart-cheek’d two-sworded envoys, Leaning back in their open barouches, bare-headed, impassive, Ride to-day through Manhattan.   Libertad! I do not know whether others behold what I behold, In the procession along…

A Boston Ballad

TO get betimes in Boston town I rose this morning early, Here’s a good place at the corner, I must stand and see the show.   Clear the way there Jonathan! Way for the President’s marshal—way for the government cannon! Way…

“The Rounded Catalogue Divine Complete”

[Sunday,–– – ––.–Went this forenoon to church. A college professor, Rev. Dr.——, gave us a fine sermon, during which I caught the above words; but the minister included in his “rounded catalogue” letter and spirit, only the esthetic things, and…

“Going Somewhere”

My science-friend, my noblest woman-friend, (Now buried in an English grave—and this a memory-leaf for her dear sake,) Ended our talk—”The sum, concluding all we know of old or modern learning, intuitions deep, “Of all Geologies—Histories—of all Astronomy—of Evolution, Metaphysics…