The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Rudyard Kipling

To the True Romance

Thy face is far from this our war,    Our call and counter-cry,   I shall not find Thee quick and kind,    Nor know Thee till I die.   Enough for me in dreams to see      …

To Thomas Atkins

   I have made for you a song   And it may be right or wrong,But only you can tell me if it’s true.   I have tried for to explain   Both your pleasure and your pain,And, Thomas, here’s my best respects…

The Totem

Ere the mother’s milk had dried  On my lips, the Brethren came—Tore me from my nurse’s side,  And bestowed on me a name Infamously overtrue—  Such as “Bunny,” “Stinker,” “Podge”;—But, whatever I should do,  Mine for ever in the Lodge.…

To T. A.

 I have made for you a song, And it may be right or wrong,But only you can tell me if it’s true; I have tried for to explain Both your pleasure and your pain,And, Thomas, here’s my best respects to you!  O there’ll…

To Motorists

Since ye distemper and defileSweet Here by the measured mile,Nor aught on jocund highways heedExcept the evidence of speed;And bear about your dreadful taskFaces beshrouded ‘neath a mask;Great goblin eyes and glue handsAnd souls enslaved to gears and bands;Here shall…

To a Lady, Persuading Her to a Car

Love’s fiery chariot, Delia, takeWhich Vulcan wrought for Venus’ sake.Wings shall not waft thee, but a flameHot as my heart—as nobly tame:Lit by a spark, less bright, more wiseThan linked lightnings of thine eyes!Seated and ready to be drawn Come…

To James Whitcomb Riley

  Your trail runs to the westward,    And mine to my own place;  There is water between our lodges,    And I have not seen your face.   But since I have read your verses    ‘Tis easy to…


England at War Where Horse and Rider each can trust the other everywhere,It takes a fence and more than a fence to pound that happy pair; For the one will do what the other demands, although he is beaten   and…

To the Companions

How comes it that, at even-tide,  When level beams should show most truth,Man, failing, takes unfailing pride  In memories of his frolic youth? Venus and Liber fill their hour;  The games engage, the law-courts prove;Till hardened life breeds love of…

To the City of Bombay

(Dedication to The Seven Seas) The Cities are full of pride,  Challenging each to each—This from her mountain-side,  That from her burthened beach. They count their ships full tale—   Their corn and oil and wine,Derrick and loom and bale, …