The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Rudyard Kipling

Azrael’s Count

Lo! The Wild Cow of the Desert, her yeanling estrayed from her —Lost in the wind-plaited sand-dunes — athirst in the maze of them.Hot-foot she follows those foot-prints — the thrice-tangled ways of them.Her soul is shut save to one…

At His Execution

I am made all things to all men—   Hebrew, Roman, and Greek—   In each one’s tongue I speal,Suiting to each my word,That some may be drawn to the Lord! I am made all things to all men—   In City or…

An Astrologer’s Song

To the Heavens above usO look and beholdThe Planets that love usAll harnessed in gold!What chariots, what horsesAgainst us shall bideWhile the Stars in their coursesDo fight on our side? All thought, all desires,That are under the sun,Are one with…

As the Bell Clinks

As I left the Halls at Lumley, rose the vision of a comelyMaid last season worshipped dumbly, watched with fervor from afar;And I wondered idly, blindly, if the maid would greet me kindly.That was all — the rest was settled…


I Frost upon small rain—the ebony-lacquered avenue  Reflecting lamps as a pool shows goldfish.The sight suddenly emptied out of the young man’s eyes  Entering upon it sideways.                          …

Arithmetic on the Frontier

A great and glorious thing it is  To learn, for seven years or so,The Lord knows what of that and this,  Ere reckoned fit to face the foe —The flying bullet down the Pass,That whistles clear: “All flesh is grass.”…

The Appeal

It I have given you delight   By aught that I have done,Let me lie quiet in that night    Which shall be yours anon: And for the little, little, span  The dead are born in mind,Seek not to question other…

The Anvil

England’s on the anvil—hear the hammers ring—     Clanging from the Severn to the Tyne!Never was a blacksmith like our Norman King—     England’s being hammered, hammered, hammered into line! England’s on the anvil!  Heavy are the blows!     (But the…

The Answer

A Rose, in tatters on the garden path,Cried out to God and murmured ‘gainst His Wrath,Because a sudden wind at twilight’s hushHad snapped her stem alone of all the bush.And God, Who hears both sun-dried dust and sun,Had pity, whispering…

Angutivaun Taina

Our gloves are stiff with the frozen blood,  Our furs with the drifted snow,As we come in with the seal—the seal!  In from the edge of the floe. Au jana! Aua! Oha! Haq!  And the yelping dog-teams go;And the long…