The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Rudyard Kipling

The Craftsman

Once, after long-drawn revel at The Mermaid,He to the overbearing BoanergesJonson, uttered (if half of it were liquor,                    Blessed be the vintage!) Saying how, at an alehouse under Cotswold,He had made…


We thought we ranked above the chance of ill.  Others might fall, not we, for we were wise—Merchants in freedom. So, of our free-will  We let our servants drug our strength with lies.The pleasure and the poison had its way …

A Counting-Out Song

What is the song the children sing,When doorway lilacs bloom in Spring,And the Schools are loosed, and the games are playedThat were deadly earnest when Earth was made?Hear them chattering, shrill and hard,After dinner-time, out in the yard,As the sides…

The Conundrum of the Workshops

When the flush of a new-born sun fell first on Eden’s green and gold,Our father Adam sat under the Tree and scratched with a stick in the mould;And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to…


The drowsy carrier sways  To the drowsy horses’ tramp.His axles winnow the spraysOf the hedge where the rabbit plays  In the light of his single lamp. He hears a roar behind,  A howl, a hoot, and a yell,A headlight strikes…

The Consolations of Memory

Blessed was our first age and morning-time. Then were nowaies tarren, ne no cars numberen, but each followed his owneplayinge-busyness to go about singly or by large interspaces,for to leden his viage after his luste and layen under clene hedge.Jangling…

The Comforters

Until thy feet have trod the Road Advise not wayside folk, Nor till thy back has borne the Load Break in upon the broke. Chase not with undesired largesse Of sympathy the heart Which, knowing her own bitterness, Presumes to…


   (Mobile Columns of the Boer War) Out o’ the wilderness, dusty an’ dry   (Time, an’ ‘igh time to be trekkin’ again!)Oo is it ‘eads to the Detail Supply?   A section, a pompom, an’ six ‘undred men. ‘Ere comes the…

Cold Iron

Gold is for the mistress — silver for the maid —Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.”“Good!” said the Baron, sitting in his hall,“But Iron — Cold Iron — is master of them all.” So he made rebellion ‘gainst…

The Coiner

To be sung by the unlearned to the tune of“King John and the Abbot of Canterbury,” andby the learned to “Tempest-a-brewing.” Against the Bermudas we foundered, wherebyThis Master, that Swabber, yon Bo’sun, and I(Our pinnace and crew being drowned in…