The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Rudyard Kipling

The Widow’s Party

“Where have you been this while away,    Johnnie, Johnnie?”‘Long with the rest on a picnic lay,    Johnnie, my Johnnie, aha!They called us out of the barrack-yardTo Gawd knows where from Gosport Hard,And you can’t refuse when you get…

The White Man’s Burden

THE UNITED STATES AND THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Take up the White man’s burden —  Send forth the best ye breed —Go bind your sons to exile  To serve your captives’ need;To wait in heavy harness  On fluttered folk and wild…

White Horses

Where run your colts at pasture?  Where hide your mares to breed?‘Mid bergs about the Ice-cap  Or wove Sargasso weed;By chartless reef and channel,  Or crafty coastwise bars,But most the ocean-meadows  All purple to the stars! Who holds the rein…

The Widower

For a season there must be pain— For a little, little space I shall lose the sight of her face, Take back the old life again While She is at rest in her place. For a season this pain must…

When ‘Omer Smote ‘Is Bloomin’ Lyre

When ‘Omer smote ‘is bloomin’ lyre, He’d ‘eard men sing by land an’ sea;An’ what he thought ‘e might require, ‘E went an’ took — the same as me! The market-girls an’ fishermen, The shepherds an’ the sailors, too,They ‘eard…

When the Journey Was Intended to the City

When that with meat and drink they had fulfilledNot temperately but like him conceivedIn monstrous jest at Meudon, whose regaleStands for exemplar of Gargantuan greed,In his own name supreme, they issued forthBeneath new firmaments and stars astray,Circumvoluminant; nor had they…

“When the Great Ark”

When the Great Ark, in Vigo Bay,  Rode stately through the half-manned fleet,From every ship about her way   She heard the mariners entreat—Before we take the seas againLet down your boats and send us men! “We have no lack…

What the People Said

By the well, where the bullocks goSilent and blind and slow —By the field where the young corn diesIn the face of the sultry skies,They have heard, as the dull Earth hearsThe voice of the wind of an hour,The sound…

What Happened

Hurree Chunder Mookerjee, pride of Bow Bazaar,Owner of a native press, “Barrishter-at-Lar,”Waited on the Government with a claim to wearSabres by the bucketful, rifles by the pair. Then the Indian Government winked a wicked wink,Said to Chunder Mookerjee: “Stick to…