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Category Robert Browning

The Lady and the Painter

SHE: Yet womanhood you reverence,So you profess! HE: With heart and soul. SHE: Of which fact this is evidence!To help Art-study,—for some doleOf certain wretched shillings,—youInduce a woman—virgin too—To strip and stand stark naked? HE: True. SHE: Nor feel you…

How It Strikes a Contemporary

You saw go up and down Valladolid,A man of mark, to know next time you saw.His very serviceable suit of blackWas courtly once and conscientious still,And many might have worn it, though none did:The cloak that somewhat shone and showed…

Introduction: Pippa Passes

New Year’s Day at Asolo in the Trevisan Scene.—A large mean airy chamber. A girl, Pippa, from the Silk-mills, springing out of bed. Day!Faster and more fast,O’er night’s brim, day boils at last:Boils, pure gold, o’er the cloud-cup’s brimWhere spurting…

Bad Dreams II

You in the flesh and here— Your very self! Now, wait!One word! May I hope or fear? Must I speak in love or hate?Stay while I ruminate!The fact and each circumstance Dare you disown? Not you!That vast dome, that huge…

Fears and Scruples

Here’s my case. Of old I used to love him.This same unseen friend, before I knew:Dream there was none like him, none above him,–Wake to hope and trust my dream was true. Loved I not his letters full of beauty?Not…

Bad Dreams I

Last night I saw you in my sleep:And how your charm of face was changed!I asked, “Some love, some faith you keep?”You answered, “Faith gone, love estranged.” Whereat I woke, a twofold bliss:Waking was one, but next there cameThis other:…

Bad Dreams: III

This was my dream: I saw a ForestOld as the earth, no track nor traceOf unmade man. Thou, Soul, explorest—Though in a trembling rapture—spaceImmeasurable! Shrubs, turned trees,Trees that touch heaven, support its friezeStudded with sun and moon and star:While- oh,…

Christmas Eve

I.Out of the little chapel I burstInto the fresh night air again.I had waited a good five minutes firstIn the doorway, to escape the rainThat drove in gusts down the common’s centre,At the edge of which the chapel stands,Before I…


How very hard it is to beA Christian! Hard for you and me,—Not the mere task of making realThat duty up to its ideal,Effecting thus complete and whole,A purpose or the human soul—For that is always hard to do;But hard,…

Master Hugues of Saxe-Gotha

[An imaginary composer.] I. Hist, but a word, fair and soft!Forth and be judged, Master Hugues!Answer the question I’ve put you so oft:What do you mean by your mountainous fugues?See, we’re alone in the loft,— II. I, the poor organist…