The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Robert Browning

You’ll Love Me Yet

You’ll love me yet!—and I can tarryYour love’s protracted growing:June reared that bunch of flowers you carryFrom seeds of April’s sowing. I plant a heartful now: some seedAt least is sure to strike,And yield—what you’ll not pluck indeed,Not love, but,…

Johannes Agricola in Meditation

There’s heaven above, and night by night I look right through its gorgeous roof;No suns and moons though e’er so bright Avail to stop me; splendour-proof I keep the broods of stars aloof:For I intend to get to God, For…

Pictor Ignotus

FLORENCE, 15 I could have painted pictures like that youth’sYe praise so. How my soul springs up! No barStayed me–ah, thought which saddens while it soothes!–Never did fate forbid me, star by star,To outburst on your night with all my…

Fra Lippo Lippi

I am poor brother Lippo, by your leave!You need not clap your torches to my face.Zooks, what’s to blame? you think you see a monk!What, ’tis past midnight, and you go the rounds,And here you catch me at an alley’s…

Abt Vogler

Would that the structure brave, the manifold music I build,Bidding my organ obey, calling its keys to their work,Claiming each slave of the sound, at a touch, as when Solomon willedArmies of angels that soar, legions of demons that lurk,Man,…

Love in a Life

IRoom after room,I hunt the house throughWe inhabit together.Heart, fear nothing, for, heart, thou shalt find her—Next time, herself!—not the trouble behind herLeft in the curtain, the couch’s perfume!As she brushed it, the cornice-wreath blossomed anew:Yon looking-glass gleamed at the…


Among these latter busts we count by scores,Half-emperors and quarter-emperors,Each with his bay-leaf fillet, loose-thonged vest,Loric and low-browed Gorgon on the breast,—One loves a baby face, with violets there,Violets instead of laurel in the hair,As those were all the little…

The Real and True and Sure

Marriage on earth seems such a counterfeit,Mere imitation of the inimitable:In heaven we have the real and true and sure.’Tis there they neither marry nor are givenIn marriage but are as the angels: right,Oh how right that is, how like…


Out of your whole life give but one moment!All of your life that has gone before,All to come after it,—so you ignore,So you make perfect the present,—condense,In a rapture of rage, for perfection’s endowment,Thought and feeling and soul and sense—Merged…

A Death in the Desert

[Supposed of Pamphylax the Antiochene:It is a parchment, of my rolls the fifth,Hath three skins glued together, is all Greek,And goeth from Epsilon down to Mu:Lies second in the surnamed Chosen Chest,Stained and conserved with juice of terebinth,Covered with cloth…