The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Exile

From The Persian Of Kermani In Farsistan the violet spreads Its leaves to the rival sky; I ask how far is the Tigris flood, And the vine that grows thereby? Except the amber morning wind, Not one salutes me here;…


Who knows this or that? Hark in the wall to the rat: Since the world was, he has gnawed; Of his wisdom, of his fraud What dost thou know? In the wretched little beast Is life and heart, Child and…


Philosophers are lined with eyes within, And, being so, the sage unmakes the man. In love, he cannot therefore cease his trade; Scarce the first blush has overspread his cheek, He feels it, introverts his learned eye To catch the…

The Enchanter

In the deep heart of man a poet dwells Who all the day of life his summer story tells; Scatters on every eye dust of his spells, Scent, form and color; to the flower and shells Wins the believing child…


1831 Let Webster’s lofty face Ever on thousands shine, A beacon set that Freedom’s race Might gather omens from that radiant sign. From The Phi Beta Kappa Poem, 1834. Ill fits the abstemious Muse a crown to weave For living…


Ah Fate, cannot a man Be wise without a beard? East, West, from Beer to Dan, Say, was it never heard That wisdom might in youth be gotten, Or wit be ripe before ‘t was rotten? He pays too high…

The South Wind

In the turbulent beauty Of a gusty autumn day, Poet in a wood-crowned headland Sighed his soul away. Farms the sunny landscape dappled, Swan-down clouds dappled the farms, Cattle lowed in hazy distance Where far oaks outstretched their arms. Sudden…

Monadnoc From Afar

  Dark flower of Cheshire garden,  Red evening duly dyesThy sombre head with rosy hues  To fix far-gazing eyes.Well the Planter knew how strongly  Works thy form on human thought;I muse what secret purpose had he  To draw all fancies to this spot.


O what are heroes, prophets, men, But pipes through which the breath of Pan doth blow A momentary music. Being’s tide Swells hitherward, and myriads of forms Live, robed with beauty, painted by the sun; Their dust, pervaded by the…