The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Ralph Waldo Emerson


Deep in the man sits fast his fate To mould his fortunes mean or great; Unknown to Cromwell as to me Was Cromwell’s measure or degree; Unknown to him as to his horse, If he than his groom be better…


If the red slayer think he slays, Or if the slain think he is slain, They know not well the subtle ways I keep, and pass, and turn again. Far or forgot to me is near; Shadow and sunlight are…

The Adirondacs, A Journal

dedicated to my fellow-travellers in august, 1858. Wise and polite,—and if I drew Their several portraits, you would own Chancer had no such worthy crew, Nor Boccace in Decameron. We crossed Champlain to Keeseville with our friends. Thence, in strong…

May-day And Other Pieces

Daughter of Heaven and Earth, coy Spring, With sudden passion languishing, Teaching Barren moors to smile, Painting pictures mile on mile, Holds a cup with cowslip-wreaths, Whence a smokeless incense breathes. The air is full of whistlings bland; What was…

Concord Hymn

Sung at the Completion of the Battle Monument, July 4, 1837 By the rude bridge that arched the flood,    Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood    And fired the shot heard round the world. The…


The south-wind brings Life, sunshine, and desire, And on every mount and meadow Breathes aromatic fire, But over the dead he has no power, The lost, the lost he cannot restore, And, looking over the hills, I mourn The darling…


Concord, 1838 I reached the middle of the mount Up which the incarnate soul must climb, And paused for them, and looked around, With me who walked through space and time.Five rosy boys with morning light Had leaped from one…


Because I was content with these poor fields, Low, open meads, slender and sluggish streams, And found a home in haunts which others scorned, The partial wood-gods overpaid my love, And granted me the freedom of their state, And in their…


Give me truths, For I am weary of the surfaces, And die of inanition. If I knew Only the herbs and simples of the wood, Rue, cinquefoil, gill, vervain, and pimpernel, Blue-vetch, and trillium, hawkweed, sassafras, Milkweeds, and murky brakes,…

The Day’s Ration

When I was born, From all the seas of strength Fate filled a chalice, Saying, This be thy portion, child; this chalice, Less than a lily’s, thou shalt daily draw From my great arteries; nor less, nor more. All substances…