The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Percy Bysshe Shelley

To Edward Williams

I.The serpent is shut out from Paradise.The wounded deer must seek the herb no moreIn which its heart-cure lies:The widowed dove must cease to haunt a bowerLike that from which its mate with feigned sighsFled in the April hour.I too…

To Death

Death! where is thy victory?To triumph whilst I die,To triumph whilst thine ebon wingEnfolds my shuddering soul?O Death! where is thy sting?Not when the tides of murder roll,When nations groan, that kings may bask in bliss,Death! canst thou boast a…

To Constantia, Singing

I.Thus to be lost and thus to sink and die,Perchance were death indeed!—Constantia, turn!In thy dark eyes a power like light doth lie,Even though the sounds which were thy voice, which burnBetween thy lips, are laid to sleep;Within thy breath,…

To Constantia

I.The rose that drinks the fountain dewIn the pleasant air of noon,Grows pale and blue with altered hue—In the gaze of the nightly moon;For the planet of frost, so cold and brightMakes it wan with her borrowed light. II.Such is…

To Coleridge

Oh! there are spirits of the air, And genii of the evening breeze,And gentle ghosts, with eyes as fair As star-beams among twilight trees:Such lovely ministers to meetOft hast thou turned from men thy lonely feet.With mountain winds, and babbling…

To a Star

Sweet star, which gleaming o’er the darksome sceneThrough fleecy clouds of silvery radiance fliest,Spanglet of light on evening’s shadowy veil,Which shrouds the day-beam from the waveless lake,Lighting the hour of sacred love; more sweetThan the expiring morn-star’s paly fires:—Sweet star!…

To Coleridge

Oh! there are spirits of the air, And genii of the evening breeze,And gentle ghosts, with eyes as fair As star-beams among twilight trees:Such lovely ministers to meetOft hast thou turned from men thy lonely feet.With mountain winds, and babbling…

The Zucca

I.Summer was dead and Autumn was expiring,And infant Winter laughed upon the landAll cloudlessly and cold;—when I, desiringMore in this world than any understand,Wept o’er the beauty, which, like sea retiring,Had left the earth bare as the wave-worn sandOf my…

The World’s Wanderers

I.Tell me, thou Star, whose wings of lightSpeed thee in thy fiery flight,In what cavern of the nightWill thy pinions close now? II.Tell me, Moon, thou pale and grayPilgrim of Heaven’s homeless way,In what depth of night or daySeekest thou…

The Woodman and the Nightingale

A woodman whose rough heart was out of tune(I think such hearts yet never came to good)Hated to hear, under the stars or moon, One nightingale in an interfluous woodSatiate the hungry dark with melody;—And as a vale is watered…