The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

Category Percy Bysshe Shelley


IWhen passion’s trance is overpast,If tenderness and truth could last,Or live, whilst all wild feelings keepSome mortal slumber, dark and deep,I should not weep, I should not weep!IIIt were enough to feel, to see,Thy soft eyes gazing tenderly.And dream the…

To– Yet look on me

Yet look on me—take not thine eyes away,Which feed upon the love within mine own,Which is indeed but the reflected rayOf thine own beauty from my spirit thrown.Yet speak to me—thy voice is as the toneOf my heart’s echo, and…

To— Oh! there are spirits of the air

DAKRYSI DIOISW POTMON APOTMON Oh! there are spirits of the air,And genii of the evening breeze,And gentle ghosts, with eyes as fairAs star-beams among twilight trees:—Such lovely ministers to meetOft hast thou turned from men thy lonely feet. With mountain…

To— Music, when soft voices die

Music, when soft voices die,Vibrates in the memory—Odours, when sweet violets sicken,Live within the sense they quicken. Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,Are heaped for the beloved’s bed;And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,Love itself shall slumber on.

To William Shelley.

(With what truth may I say—Roma! Roma! Roma!Non e piu come era prima!) I.My lost William, thou in whomSome bright spirit lived, and didThat decaying robe consumeWhich its lustre faintly hid,—Here its ashes find a tomb,But beneath this pyramidThou art…

To William Shelley

I.The billows on the beach are leaping around it,The bark is weak and frail,The sea looks black, and the clouds that bound itDarkly strew the gale.Come with me, thou delightful child,Come with me, though the wave is wild,And the winds…

To the Republicans of North America

I.Brothers! between you and meWhirlwinds sweep and billows roar:Yet in spirit oft I seeOn thy wild and winding shoreFreedom’s bloodless banners wave,—Feel the pulses of the braveUnextinguished in the grave,—See them drenched in sacred gore,—Catch the warrior’s gasping breathMurmuring ‘Liberty…